Who's Dean?

Dean is an Author and Speaker.

Who is Dean Harder?

Dean is a guy you would likely love to have living next door to you. Over the past four decades, Dean’s neighbors have come to know him as the guy who always seems to have just the right tool to help you get the job done.


He also seems to have a knack for figuring out a way to take something that isn’t working quite right and make it work again.


That is how it is when Dean helps you develop your own powerful conversations.

Dean’s story started out growing up on that family farm in Mountain Lake, MN – a community of about 2,000 people.


Along with working in the barns and fields, Dean also took part in a bunch of activities made available to him in his small rural school and community. Never the smartest, strongest, or fastest kid, Dean still always found a way to be right in the middle of the action.


Fast forward and you will see that over the past three decades he quickly blossomed into a thought leader in the business arena.

Dean’s core business since 1998 has been helping successful people spend & enjoy, as well as share their wealth with the people they love and the charitable causes they champion. Dean continues bringing his creative, thoughtful, dynamic, resourceful expertise to people throughout North America.

Dean authored and published his first book, Stop Pitching, in 2022 to serve as a springboard to launch a parallel business. “H” is focused on helping winning people – in both sales and business entrepreneurship – develop, design and deliver incredible experiences to the people they serve through the power of conversation.

Dean is in his 2nd half of life. A series of difficult events drove Dean to his knees some years ago. What came out of the mess was a renewed purpose to live life with an eternal focus, as well as a newfound mantra to live life “moment by moment” helping others get what they want.


Dean & Jackie split time between Indiana and Florida, after living the first 43 years of their lives in Minnesota. Their greatest blessing – three amazing children married to three amazing spouses, along with four amazing grandchildren…and counting!

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